BioPulse International, Inc. has acquired a new and improved method of creating dendritic cell cancer vaccines.
“Antigens associated with cancerous tumours are not normally recognized by the immune system. With dendritic cell therapy, we’re teaching the dendritic cells to recognize the cancer antigens,” explains Dr. Robert Morrow, Director of Clinical Research for BioPulse.
If the immune system can recognize the antigens produced by a cancerous tumor, it may be able to kill the tumor cells.
Because the body doesn’t normally do this on its own, the dendritic cells must be trained to respond to these antigens and then stimulate the cell- mediated immunity that will kill the cancer.
BioPulse clinics offer vaccines for several types of cancers.
Each patient’s own tumor antigens are used to create the vaccine.
The first step is to obtain the dendritic cells from the patient’s (or a donor’s) blood.
This is done through a process called apheresis.
The dendritic cells are separated from other blood cells and enriched through incubation.
When they are ready, the dendritic cells are activated with the antigens from the patient’s tumor cells for use as a vaccine.
This process normally takes 5 to 7 days.
The vaccine is administered by injection near the lymph nodes in the groin region.
The first injection will stimulate cell-mediated immunity, but normally two or more additional infusions are indicated for maximum stimulation.
These are given at 3 to 4 week intervals.
Treatment may continue for 4 to 6 months.
In most cases, the first two injections are done at a BioPulse clinic.
“BioPulse-affiliated clinics have a variety of specialized cancer treatments, but dendritic cell therapy appears to be one of the most promising for many types of cancer,” said Dr. Schramm, Medical Director at the BioPulse clinic in Mexico.
“It shows promise especially for renal cell carcinoma and metastatic melanoma. These are areas we are actively pursuing.”
BioPulse International, Inc. identifies qualified clinics outside the United States and provides management and referral services to make it easier for people to find alternative and advanced treatments for cancer and other health problems.